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myonic Kids Day 2023


On Thursday January 5, 2023 our coveted Kids Day started for the fourth time. This year’s motto was „myonic kids on a journey of exploration“ As always it was quickly booked out.

The children were welcomed by our head of staff Sonja Westerhof; then followed information by our training manager Bernd Koslowski and Julia Riedle who is responsible for the myonic-kids-project.

Together with the BIWE-Family Service 44 kids of our employees aged 4 to 13 years were allowed to explore four stations with ordinary materials, MINT topics and exciting phenomena of daily life for half a day (MINT stands for mathematics,informatics, natural sciences and technology). A special focus was set on the educational purpose and the social interaction combined with a lot of fun!

At the station M (mathematics) which was built up in our new work café the kids could prove their mathematical abilities and logical thinking by means of dice games, a feel box, a magical spinner and a quiz with matches. Furtheron they could do brickwork.

At the station I (informatics) on our outdoor area in the production building the kids made races with small robots and ozobots. They programmed them themselves and fiddled about with a network until they reached the goal.

Station N (natural sciences) which was located in our canteen included exciting phenomena with objects of daily life. Thus, with a few tricks e.g. a lava lamp was created.

At the fourth station T (technology) which we built up in our training department the kids could turn and assemble a workpiece in the form of a mini Eifel tower themselves. Furthermore a balloon rocket and paper flyer competition took place.

Of course each kid received a stamp in their scientist‘s passport after „successfully finishing the station. At the end a scientist’s diploma was awarded. The day was a full success for small and adult participants. On this occasion a special thanks goes to our apprentices for their input and great commitment

A warm thank you also goes to BIWE-family service who fabulously supported us in designing the kids day.


Vaša kontaktná osoba

Roman Klein

Phone: +49 7721 997-317