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Submit a commitment letter towards SBT qualification


MinebeaMitsumi Inc. (Head Office: Nagano Prefecture; Representative Director, Chairman CEO, Yoshihisa Kainuma, hereinafter referred to as MinebeaMitsumi) submitted a commitment letter to the SBTi*1, an organization that certifies Science Based Targets (SBT*2), a set of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by the Paris Agreement.

MinebeaMitsumi has set "Minimizing the environmental impact of business activities" as one of the group's material issues (materiality).
„We aim to achieve a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the fiscal year ending March 2031 (compared with the fiscal year ended March 2021), then proceed to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, at the latest. Approximately 90% of our greenhouse gas emissions are from electrical power. To achieve this goal, we are promoting company-wide energy conservation activities and systematically installing solar panels on the roofs or vacant spaces within the plants such as Bang Pa-in Plant and Lop Buri Plant in Thailand, and Cebu Plant in the Philippines, and are promoting the supply of renewable energy by using in-house power generation. Recently, we have started the self-delivery of electric power by solar photovoltaics to domestic sites as previously reported.“

„We will continue to accelerate efforts to reduce greenhouse gas at domestic and foreign sites, and promote SBT qualification and carbon neutral achievement.“ 


*1 SBTi: Joint initiative established in 2015 by the World Nature Protection Foundation (WWF), CDP, the World Resource Institute (WRI), and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).

*2 SBT (Science Based Targets): Greenhouse gas emission reduction target, which is set as a company with a target of 5-10 years ahead, consistent with the level required by the Paris Agreement.

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Your contact person

Roman Klein

MinebeaMitsumi Europe

Phone: +49 7721 997-317